Friday, December 25, 2009

My Christmas Disaster!

So, everybody that knows me, knows I love christmas!
I do a mental countdown in my head, and talk about how excited I am every day until Christmas Eve.

Usually on Christmas Eve we all get together at my grandma Emma's house
and play games and then open presents at 12am.

Well, when I got to my grandma's, I was a little dissapointed at the way some
people were acting.

So, then I was sitting at the table with my uncle, aunts, and mom.
I got up to throw my plate away and then


My foot got stuck in the broken heater vent.
I tripped, hit my knee on the floor then my face in the door frame really hard, and then my head hit the floor!
I chipped my tooth, which you can barely notice, and busted my lip!

This christmas did not turn out the way I expected.

The End